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quartzy resources
Information at your fingertips
Browse resources tailored to your needs and learn all the ways that you can get more out of Quartzy.
Quartzy Resources
Briefs, Guides, Infographics, Videos, On-Demand Webinars covering a variety of topics.
Lab Manager Guide: Seven Habits of Highly Effective Lab Managers
Lab managers juggle many responsibilities, including maintaining equipment, managing stocks, ordering reagents, performing research, and more. This guide details seven essential habits for lab managers to consider.
The Biotech Survival Guide: 3 Strategies for Surviving the Downturn
Over the past year, biotechs across the industry have been faced with tightened budgets and pressure to improve the bottom line. In turbulent markets, many struggle to maintain business as usual and must find ways to reduce spend to stay afloat.
Lab Management Organizer
Feel like your lab is slowly slipping in to chaos? It happens to even the best of labs. That’s why we’ve partnered with GoldBio to create this free, interactive, lab manager organizer and handbook.
Buyer’s Guide to Lab Management Solutions
The buyer’s guide to lab management solutions will help teams compartmentalize problem areas within lab management, better understand the array of tools available to tackle those independent problem areas, and determine which solutions are right for their lab’s specific needs.
Disrupting a Climate of Chaos
In the infographic, Disrupting a Climate of Chaos, we cover the major challenges in lab management. It’s the perfect way to explain to non-lab leaders what you’re dealing with in the trenches, and how a lab management solution, like Quartzy, can help.
Labs need to start planning for the ‘new normal’ of supply chain disruptions
The COVID-19 crisis has exposed the delicate balance of the global life sciences supply chain. As the dust is starting to settle over a year later, labs are still struggling to source basic supplies.
Innovate sooner & hit your milestones faster with a Lab Management Platform
In this guide we address some of the common questions you may hear as you approach colleagues about investing in a lab management platform, how to make a case with stakeholders, and how to secure buy-in.
Why an ERP is not enough for R&D labs
The enterprise resource planning (ERP) era is over. Organizations like yours are struggling with the rigidity of their traditional ERP systems. In this short brief you’ll learn the value of utilizing an intelligent productivity platform, like Quartzy, and how doing so can save you time, effort, and headache.
Strategies any lab can take to overcome supply chain shortages
These past few years have shined a light on the delicate balance of a piece of the puzzle that is completely beyond the lab’s control. In this short brief, we cover what your lab can be doing now to plan for future disruptions.
How Quartzy can help labs overcome supply chain disruption
COVID-19 has exposed the delicate balance of the global life sciences supply chain. In this brief, we discuss how Quartzy allows you to be more proactive in managing your supply needs, so you can be prepared before requests become urgent.
Streamline your lab workflow
Struggling to keep up with the lab supply lifecycle? You’re not alone. In this brief, we take you through some of the pain points lab managers are feeling during each stage of the supply lifecycle, and highlight how Quartzy can help calm the chaos.
Quartzy’s Product Roadmap
In this webinar the Quartzy Product Management team will showcase the top new features that have just launched, and detail some exciting new features that are on the roadmap.
Strategies to overcome supply chain shortages
The supply chain is clearly out of your control - but what can you control to ensure your lab runs more efficiently and you can mitigate the supply chain issues? Hear from our panel of experts made up of researchers, lab managers, and suppliers from leading therapeutics companies.
Bridging the gap between science and finance
If you’re a scientist or researcher, accounting and finance is probably not on the top of your mind (and vice versa for accounting people). During this webinar we talk about improving productivity, communication, and collaboration between science and finance.
Discover a streamlined lab
Quartzy gives life sciences companies what they need most: streamlined communication and improved productivity. Our unique platform manages every bit of your lab’s lifecycle, from requests and approvals, to shopping and inventory. Our platform has all the tools you need to hit milestones faster.
Upcoming Events
Quartzy University Webinar Series, local user groups, thought-leadership webinars and more. Sign up for individual sessions or sign up for them all sessions and become a Quartzy Pro! Can’t attend live? Register now and we’ll send you the recording after.
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